Who to follow on Twitter???
Exciting new stuff to help you find exactly who to follow on twitter - and it's actually from twitter this time...
"With more than a hundred million users on Twitter, there are sure to be at least dozens of accounts out there that will reflect your interests. The trouble is finding all of them. Today we're beginning to roll out a simple, but powerful new feature to help address that -- "Suggestions for You". The algorithms in this feature, built by our user relevance team, suggest people you don’t currently follow that you may find interesting. The suggestions are based on several factors, including people you follow and the people they follow. You'll see these suggestions on Twitter.com and the Find People section. If you like a suggestion, click "follow"; if you don't, click "hide," and we’ll try not to suggest that user again." (Twitter Blog)So I signed out of tweet deck to take a look! Apparently they are launching an API so that third parties can add this too - so I don't have to spend too long away from tweet deck, I'm guessing there'll be a new release out soon - yet another column...
It's really just like the little friend suggestion boxes that facebook have.