10 Crafty New Year’s Resolutions for 2012

Guest Post from Fran Swaine of www.skullsandponies.com

I love making lists (who doesn’t?) and the New Year is a great excuse as a crafter to make a list of your craft related resolutions. Last year I made a list of all of the craft projects I wanted to work on, and you know what? I actually completed most of them, which as resolutions go is pretty good!
Here is my craft resolution list for 2012:
  1. Attend a class
Last year I attended a screen printing class which was fantastic. I hadn’t done any screen printing since I was at school and it was such great value for money. I learnt several new skills and met some lovely people. This year I want to either attend a class to improve my current skills or try out something new. Perhaps I should attend a course on crocheting rather than having a tantrum every time I try it?

  1. Source sustainable fabrics
Last year I did a bit of research trying to establish how ethical fabric is. It was really interesting to find out how much information fabric suppliers have on their supply chain. In 2012 I want to try and only buy fabric from places I know are ethical. Unfortunately this does exclude some of the cheaper fabric shops I have historically used, but will just encourage me to be resourceful and much less wasteful. I will of course continue to upcycle clothes and buy from charity shops as much as I can!

  1. Make at least one thing from each of my craft books
I don’t know about you, but I have so many craft books; I think I’m addicted! Even though I’ve got tonnes and tonnes on my shelf, I keep buying them! It’s fantastic that so many crafters are putting together useful resources, but I need to make sure I’m actually making things rather than simply looking at the pretty pictures!
  1. Start a Local Craft Club
A few years ago a few friends and I set up something called “Granny Club”. The whole point of Granny Club was that we couldn’t decide whether we wanted a book club, or a baking club, or a knitting group so we thought we’d have it all! It was a fantastic group to be involved in and I loved being able to share my love of crafting with like-minded people.
This time I’d like to have more structure to a club, and each session be led by one member of the group. I’d like it to be a place where people can teach what they know and learn something they didn’t.  I’d love for it to become a group that people look forward to and can share their love of crafting.

  1. Finish my cross stitch
Ever start a project that feels so massive you think you’ll never finish it? Well that’s me all over with my Emily Peacock ‘Hug’ design. I started it last January and it’s still nowhere near finished! The problem is it feels so far off completion, I never give it the time it deserves and instead work on projects where I can see an end in sight. So I don’t care if it takes me all year, but by Christmas I want it done! Otherwise I think I’ll never cross stitch again!

  1. Design my own patterns
In the last 6 months I’ve really developed a passion for embroidery. I think I find it so rewarding because it’s so quick. I recently finished this complex sugar skull design and am completely in love.

I’ve done a few of my own designs and really want to try and spend more time on this:

I’ve already bought some graph paper so I can start working on cross stitch designs! This shows willing right?
  1. Take better photographs of my makes
I share a lot of my makes on my blog and also have a small folksy shop. I’ve already started to try and think about lighting and composition when taking photographs but for 2012 I want this to be a real focus point for me. On Craft Blog UK there are lots of great posts on taking better photos and it’s my mission to start taking it all on board!
  1. Make more time for crafting
I love spending time crafting, it’s fantastic for my mental health, it relaxes me and it makes me happy. Yet so many times, I will stick on the TV rather than pick up my knitting needles. Often this is because I haven’t started a new project, and if I don’t have something on the go then I don’t always have the motivation to start something new. In 2012 I want to make sure I utilise my spare time wisely. I know I won’t regret it; I just need to motivate myself and get in the habit of crafting more regularly. 

  1. Use my vintage sewing machine

My great aunt gave me this beautiful 1950’s Singer sewing machine. It’s a hand machine and utterly stunning. To be entirely  honest, I only ever intended for it to be an object of beauty but I’d like to use it to sew something, even if it’s just a small cushion cover. My great aunt used to sew all her own clothes using this machine, so it’d be a nice experience and probably make me value my current electric singer even more!

  1. Continue to be inspired by others

2011 was a great year for me; I started blogging and discovered a whole world of craft bloggers. So many of the things I have decided to pursue or make have been inspired by other craft bloggers. Whether it be finding an amazing pattern, having a comment or tweet from a fellow crafter that has encouraged me to try something new or just feeling excited at sharing and learning with other bloggers. In 2012 I want to continue to be part of that online community, to both inspire and be inspired.

So that’s my list! I really feel that this is an achievable list of things to do this year and hopefully I can put them all into action. 

What are your craft resolutions for 2012?!!!

Fran Swaine

If you would like to post something right here on Craft Blog UK, just get in touch - haptree@gmail.com - I'm not in the slightest bit scary, and I'm not a craft snob either! I would love to chat about guest post ideas and see some of your previous blog posts :)