Wonky Bears - from UK Handmade member Whimsy Dell
Hello! I just had a great chat with Karen at UK Handmade, and between @ukhandmade and @craftbloguk we wanted to create a little time each day on twitter for creatives where we can just catch up, say hi and meet a few new people - without all the links and promotional tweets. So we have come up with an 11am tag - #downtools to accompany your mid morning cuppa! I've also posted this over on UK handmade, so hopefully we're reaching out to loads of creatives :)
We thought it would be great to create an official time where we can all grab a coffee or tea and literally down tools for 10 minutes or so and catch up with what everyone is up to on twitter.
It can be lonely working from home, and twitter can be a daunting prospect if you are new to it. With an official meet up time, we can stop worrying about making or marketing for 10 minutes and just be ourselves in a great big virtual studio. Hopefully we can also actually make some creative friends, not just anonymous followers. It can be hard to build up these relationships when you are new, we hope using #downtools every weekday at 11am will really help to get you connected with fellow creatives (just don't get addicted!).
So starting tomorrow at 11am and every weekday morning after, just use #downtools when you are tweeting to join in :) We'll be helping getting the conversation started - we hope you can join us, whether you have 10,000 followers or just 2.
To find the chat, click on the discover link, search for #downtools and then click 'all' to see all tweets with #downtools tagged. Please help to spread the word by sharing this post.
We'd like to steer away from all the empire building and focus on creating a supportive atmosphere for creatives with this tag, so please don't spam the tag with lots of links and try to ignore any that do, they'll soon get the hint!
Thanks, tweet to you soon!
Hilary @haptree
Craft Blog UK and UK Handmade Social Media Manager