How to get involved in #imapiece

Super quick video - sorry it's so low res :) Just wanted to share with those of you who didn't manage to get through my epic blog post from yesterday!

How amazing will it be to see your jigsaw piece amongst those in the big installation - you can say "I stitched that - I'm a piece of the solution"

Watch this little (very low res - sorry!) video about the #imapiece campaign which aims to urge the government to put hunger and malnutrition at the top of the agenda in this important political year when we host the G8 conference and a David Cameron has promised to host a World Hunger Summit.

Everything you need to know can be found here, there's a big download button top right if you want a jigsaw template and kit -
and you can buy a kit from here if you don't have time to cut out and make up a jigsaw piece -