It's not over - There is still time to get involved with the #imapiece campaign!

Craftivist Collective founder Sarah Corbett sticking up the AMAZING array of Jigsaw pieces hand stitched by all of you!  Over 600 pieces were used in the Manchester unveiling of this installation which you will be able to see soon in another venue!
(If you have no idea what this is all about, may be best to start by visiting here then coming back fully briefed ;)

It's not over - There is still time to get involved with the #imapiece campaign!

Watch my quickie video and please share my message to take crafty action before the G8 to your craft loving friends via your blog or networks to get others involved.

The project is supported by Save the Children who have worked with the Craftivist Collective to engage with you the crafting community -  amazing team work, showing how inspiring things happen when passionate and creative people get together to tackle injustice!

(Go on give this a quick retweet to pat yourself on the back if your jigsaw piece was included!)

How to get involved

Email, write a letter, ask to meet them! Tell YOUR MP that you are supporting this Crafty campaign and ask them what THEY are doing to make hunger a priority issue at the G8!  You don't have to be shouty your beautiful jigsaw pieces will say it all!

Save The Children/Craftivist Installation evening at The Peoples History Museum Manchester.

The installation was so inspiring - many of us just stood and gazed in wonder at them all united together from postcodes all across the UK!  It was such a positive statement and so much more dramatic than an e-petition don't you think!?

We need your MP's to know that the craft community (which is now huge and powerful as you can see from the pics!) really care and that we wont vote for politicians that don't look at the big issues as well as NIMBY stuff like planning!

Kids are dying of hunger and you can get your MP to make it stop!

That's what MP's are for - they may look like ordinary business men and women, but they are infact world changers and it's our job to get them to to do their job and focus on the issues WE really care about :) They won't know if we don't tell them.

Useful #imapiece links -

#imapiece head quarters - go here to see how you can get involved or do more if you already are and also look through everything that has already been tagged #imapiece

The amazing #if campaign -  Sign the petition and directly email your mp in a click!

Fran a craft blogger meets her MP Caroline Lucas -

Mr X Stitch meets his MP Mark Lancaster

See more photos here in my Facebook Album or over on the Craftivist Collective Flickr Group