I love this embroidery hoop art from The Lily pad Cottage - the text is actually written on with a fabric pen rather than embroidered but it still looks lovely - Autumn is such a fantastic time for craft, long evenings and the amazing autumnal colours for inspiration all around - I can't wait and now I have moved house finally I can get out all my crafty stuff - it's all been in boxes way too long!
I like hoop art and I think it would be fun to have a hoop on the wall in a prominent place (or maybe on a door) that changed with the seasons, a new hoop to celebrate the new season and a great reason to take some time out to reflect while you stitch up a design.
There are a few more beautiful examples of autumnal embroidery hoop art I found too.
Beautiful Autumn coloured threads - over on Bettinas Treehouse
This is a very fun and simple idea from Shaken Together - I've just been given some felt and have a giveaway coming up to win a big bumper pack here soon, so will be thinking of felt projects I can make up this weekend to share.
These are french knots and seed beads - must take so long - I love the ombre effect and mossy colour. This is available to buy on Etsy from The Chest of Drawers. Well worth a look at her other work!
This pretty hoop art is by another Etsian - Sometimes I Swirl - I particularly love the choice of fabric and the rustic hoop - would look beautiful on a wall.
I'd love to see any hoop art you have produced please share it on my facebook wall -
My own efforts are not quite so accomplished, but it still makes me smile - determined to make something else and add it to my new office :)