Which is the most popular craft in the UK?
I thought this was interesting! I work within the crafts industry and work directly with all disciplines of craft, so it's interesting to see how popularity wanes and waxes over time - or at least since 2004 where Google Trends goes back to.
I put in 5 of the most popular craft disciplines into Google Trends to see which was the winner. The battle of the crafts... the winner is... SEWING! But I would argue that it only pips Knitting because of The Great British Sewing Bee spikes you can see clearly over the past 4 years. You can see the Potter Throw Down spikes too!
The knitting line is so consistent with regular spikes over winter... makes sense, other than hard-core knitters most people aren't as interested in summer.
Crochet is the most interesting to me, there are no peaks and troughs here it's just growing! It's such an accessible and mobile craft. Embroidery is perhaps the most consistent... looks like it needs shaking up a bit!
Also really interesting to see that all crafts searches seemed to dip during the credit crunch of 2008.
Have a play on Google Trends, are people more or less interested in your topic than they were?
It's great fun to compare terms (Isn't it fab that so many more people are googling about love than hate! Also the home page is a good place to keep up to date with current affairs as it shows you what's trending in the UK as a whole.